
technology/March 8, 2024

The Power of 3D Virtual Tours for Property Marketing

Studies have shown that integrating virtual tours have worked wonders when it comes to boosting property marketing. In fact, 3D virtual tours are quickly rising in popularity among property developers as an alternative to physical show units.


Did you know that you could increase property sales by 9% and close deals 31% faster with this powerful strategy? Studies have shown that integrating virtual tours have worked wonders when it comes to boosting property marketing. In fact, 3D virtual tours are quickly rising in popularity among property developers as an alternative to physical show units. 

If integrating a 360° virtual tour is part of your marketing plan, how do you decide if going 3D is for you?

What Are 3D Virtual Tours?

3D virtual tours are a simulation of an existing space using 360° computer-generated imagery (CGI). This means that rather than highlighting the show unit through photography, you can use images of a virtual reconstruction. 


You can tell the quality of the 3D renders by how close to the real life it resembles. Realistic digital imagery are a combination of high-quality graphics, accurate spatial layout and rich textures. Unlike floor plans or perspectives that show only a fixed angle, a 360° visualisation makes it look like you are in the scene itself.

Why Should I Choose a 3D Virtual Tour?

Whether you are a property developer or a digital marketer, you would choose to do a 3D virtual tour if: 

  • You want to generate interest in your project at the preconstruction stage
  • Your sales gallery does not have space for a physical show unit
  • You want to save the cost of building another show unit
  • You don't want to wait for the physical show unit to be built to start your marketing
  • You want to show bare unit and ID unit at the same time
  • You value sustainability when it comes to your marketing strategies

Related: 360° Virtual Tour for Property in Malaysia 

The Advantages of 3D Virtual Tours


1. Early Registration Collection

Property developers often choose to do 3D rendered virtual tours is to raise awareness and generate excitement for their upcoming projects, before it is physically constructed. They would use it to collect valuable data from early registrants who would be keen to learn more about their development and hopefully convert into customers once it is, quite literally, set in stone.

2. Competitive Edge in Pre-Marketing Campaign 

3D virtual tours are a practical way to create buzz and build emotional connection towards a property that has yet to be built. This means that you can start your marketing campaign as soon as possible, and get ahead of your competitors. 

Consider this scenario: you are at a property fair and two sales people approach you to sell their newest development, each within your budget and fitting your preferences. One tells you how amazing your future home would be and pass you yet another brochure. The other shows you the possibilities of your living space through a 3D virtual tour, and you can access it anytime, just by clicking on a link. 

Research shows that 48% home buyers show more interest in properties that utilise a virtual tour compared to those that rely solely on photos and video. I think the results speak for themselves

3. Helps Customers Make Better Decisions

3D virtual tours empower people with a clearer understanding of the space, layout, interior design, and features that are offered by the developer. You can even get creative with the 3D visualisation: have a feature whereby you can click to change between different scenes: one with a bare unit and another with a fully-furnished unit, so they can fully unlock the possibilities.

4. Time and Cost Savings

Building an actulal show unit can be costly, and would have to be torn down later. With a 3D virtual tour, you can reduce the need for physical showings, which can streamline operations and facilitate better decision making. 

Let's say you are using a 3D virtual tour to complement your physical show unit. This virtual offering can help to make better use of your staff's time. Your sales team would not need to handle unnecessary viewings that may not be as impactful. They  just need to focus on qualified leads who have already gone through the virtual tour and would like to visit the sales gallery to understand more or even seal the deal. 

5. Investor Presentations

3D virtual tours are a great idea to gain attention from investors from around the world. One interesting way to leverage on this marketing tool is to present a whole development or city before it is fully completed. For example, an integrated township with upcoming medical centres, schools, transportation network and homes. You can bring the vision of your finished project to life, showing the potential return on investment.

6. Personalised Perfection

Another fun way to engage with your customers is to have customisation options within your 3D virtual tour. You can enable features that change the materials, colours or finishes of a particular option, so that potential buyers can choose what they prefer to see in their home. A tailored approach for customers who are attracted to visuals!

Crafted by Actsugi

This virtual experience is developed by Actsugi, a virtual tour technology and digital content creator based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At Actsugi, we create immersive virtual tours across Malaysia tailored for the real estate and property sector. High-quality 360° photography and 3D digital renders can become powerful lead generation tools for properties in their preconstruction stage. From design to concept and VR development, we ensure that each virtual tour meets our client's campaign objectives and enhances its sales potential.

Get in touch with us to own your immersive virtual tour.


Visit Actsugi for 360° virtual tour technology and digital transformation services.

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